For months now, I have been trying to finalize a very important chapter in my life but there has been that one thing getting in the way and slowing me down. At first I didn't pay so much attention to it but after waiting and being hopeful for so long, it's beginning to exhaust me mentally and you know being mentally exhausted affects other aspects of your life. But through it all, I have been trying to stay positive- it hasn't been easy but I put in a lot of effort. Some of my coping mechanisms are; GRATITUDE I go to bed and wake up each day with a very active brain activity, it's always like I was never asleep and this causes me to be overwhelmed but then I breathe, relax and look around me-- then I realise that I am awake, healthy, alive, in my house, with food, water, clothing and other basic amenities then I relax and give thanks and say to myself once there's life, there is hope.