1. WEAR SUNSCREEN - This step is of high importance. Sunscreen protects your skin from damages, you should wear it everyday including rainy days and sunshiny days. However, it has come to my observation that not many people are aware of the powers of sunscreen, some people haven't even heard of it, well I am happy to bring it to your awareness. It advised to always wear SPF 30 or higher.

2. EXFOLIATE YOUR SKIN - Another important step that many people ignore. Our skin carries a lot of dead skin cells and exfoliating it helps alot to remove them in order to make way for fresh skin cells. You can exfoliate using a dry brush, drug store bought body scrub like garnier 3 in 1 or diy body scrub. For Diy facial scrub I recommend sugar and olive oil scrub, it works wonders.

3. MOISTURIZE ALWAYS - I can't lay more emphasis on this. I know a lot of people that get dressed without moisturizing their skin, not to judge you but i'll never understand this. Moisturizing your skin helps to prevent skin dryness or flaky skin, it helps to fight acne, it prevents itchy skin, it reduces the appearance of wrinkles and many more. So please endeavour to moisturize your skin everyday. I recommend you use shea butter or body oils.

4. WASH AND CARE FOR YOUR HAIR - Yes, when it comes to beauty tips, the skin is prioritised over the hair but I have noticed that hair care is just as important as skin care, good hair projects ones facial beauty and boosts confidence. Wash your hair with sulphur free shampoo, condition it, apply the necessary hair oils. Doing this makes you and your scalp happy #amiright.

5. EXERCISE - Most people are advised to relax on sunday and not perform a rigorous workout routine, which I agree with, but if you are the type that doesn't workout regularly you can try to stretch a little, do some yoga, go for a socially distanced walk in the park. Anything to activate your muscles and keep your blood flowing.

6. EAT, DRINK AND RELAX - I'm mean it's sunday after all, take a break from all the junk food you ate during the week because you were too busy to cook and eat something healthy, drink healthy as well, cleanse your colon, drink some ginger and lemon water, eat a lot of vegetables. Afterwards, sit on your couch, put on a good show on Netflix (I recommend Queen's Gambit) or HBO (I recommend I May Destroy You) then relax. If you are not a movie watcher read a book or magazine, listen to a podcast, watch some YouTube videos and stay off social media at least for one day.

I hope these tips really help in some way. Goodluck to you as you try them out and if I omitted any important tip feel free to write them down in the comment section. #begracefuu.


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