DELICIOUS Food Combinations That Are BAD For You

 1. Banana and Milk

No doubt the combination of these two, looks and tastes yummy but they shouldn't be eaten together. The reason for this is that they are both heavy foods. The digestion of milk and bananas are difficult and can slow down the proper function of the brain. Bananas have heating qualities while milk has cooling qualities, bananas turn sour during breakdown and becomes toxic when mixed with milk. The opposite functions of the two when combined, can lead to allergies, rash, cough and cold in some people. (

2. Yoghurt and Fruits

This is another common food combination that tastes good but isn't good for you. Yoghurt has a lot of bacteria that acts on the sugar present in fruits. On the other hand, the digestion of the yoghurt will be disturbed by the acids in fruit. It is advised to enjoy each food separately because the combination leads to unpleasant gut feeling and some allergies. (

3. Potato and Meat

A lot of people love to eat their potatoes or fries with meat, this shouldn't be happening. Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which demands a lot of alkaline filled fluids in order to properly digest it, on the other hand meat requires a lot of acidic fluids to be digested. The combination of both at the same time gets stuck in the stomach and causes some gastrointestinal disorders such as gas, belching, heartburn and so on.  (

4. Water with Meals

Majority of people do this unconsciously. Unbeknownst to them, it is one of the worst combinations ever. The reason is because water tends to mix the acids in the stomach which are responsible for the digestion of your food intake. This can get difficult for your stomach and make work extra hard to digest your food.

5. Pizza and Soda/Soft Drinks

Most fast food chains advertise this combo together. I mean it looks good in the photos and tastes good together but I believe we all know that it is bad. Pizza contains a lot of protein and starch which is slow to digest and the soft drinks contain lots of sugar which when combined makes the digestion even slower and causes extra fat in the belly area.

6. Cereal and Juice

I personally don't know a lot of people that do this but I see it very often in American movies. Many believe that the combo of the two equals energy, while that may apply to some people, for others, it hinders the breaking down of carbohydrates by affecting the enzyme activities due to the acid present in the fruit juice.


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