Francisco Gonzalez for Unsplash |
Desperation is a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behaviour. Desperation is commonly and usually associated with a negative feeling but after having gone through many life experiences, I can establish that, that school of thought is not totally accurate.
If handled properly, desperation can be used to your advantage and if mishandled, well you know the gist💁.
Here are some of the things I learned or acquired whilst being desperate. I'll start with the good stuffs😉
Diana Simumpande for Unsplash |
1. Being Desperate Brought Me Closer To God: It reminded me to pray, to be anxious for nothing and cast all my worries on him. It stirred a spiritual fire in me.
2. It Helped Me To Seek For Help: Most of the time we are too afraid or nervous or shy to share our problems with others, we would rather almost die in silence but in desperate times, we remember we have a voice and we use it.
3. Being Desperate Pushes Me To Work Harder, Smarter and Smoothly: If not for desperation to succeed, I'll probably never think of pushing myself.
4. Being Desperate Makes Me Sit Back, Relax And Think: Instead of overreacting, it makes me come to my senses and remind me of the blessings around me and in this state, a new level of creativity is born.
And now to the bad stuffs lol;
Noah Buscher for Unsplash |
1. Being Desperate Enables Me To Make Wrong Choices Without Knowing Immediately: While, desperation can make me relax and think, sometimes, it pushes me to do the wrong things when I'm not thinking.
2. Being Desperate Has In The Past Made Me Attract And Invite The Wrong Person Into My Life: The person(s) were not necessarily dangerous, they were just not the right people in that moment.
3. Being Desperate Leads To Overreaction Or Overthinking: It can make you say the wrong things at the wrong time or behave poorly when not necessary.
4. Being Desperate Is Bad For Your Heart And Mental Health: In the moment of desperation, your heart starts to pound loudly and consistently, it also sometimes causes headaches due to confusion and overthinking.
So my dear readers, do you fall into any of this categories and how have you been coping with it. Please share below if you can.
Peace, love and champagne.
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