Sleep is a condition of the body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. (oxford dictionary). That being said, this list is sooo me. I am only able to sleep for four hours every night and I must say it does more harm than good. Who else can relate to this?

Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

1. Trouble With Concentration - Lack of sleep causes you to lose focus in any activity you try to partake in. Your creativity level and problem-solving skills drops making you seem dull.

2. Mood Swings - Sleep deprivation leads to negative changes in your mood. You get overly emotional, quick to anger, confused and sometimes it can escalate to anxiety and deep sadness.

3. Weight Gain or Inability To Lose Weight - Your lack of sleep causes the chemicals that are responsible for your weight control to go off balance. As a result of this you tend to over-indulge even when you are not hungry. It also makes it almost impossible for you to lose weight and gain muscle mass even after working out and dieting. 

4. Bad Skin - Sleep deprivation causes severe acne, puffy eyes, eye bags, red lines in the eye balls, dark circles, wrinkled forehead. Lack of sleep prevents your skincare products from functioning.

5. Low Sex Drive - Lack of sleep might be the reason you are not in the mood for sex. Due to the lack of concentration that comes with not sleeping, your brain doesn't process anything that has to do with sex.

6. Heart Problem - Your blood pressure can increase due to lack of sleep and you can get a high level of inflammation which will eventually lead to you getting a heart disease. 

So I implore you to change this weekend to a sleepkend😁. Try and get some sleep, it's really good for you.

Peace, love and champagne. 


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