Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are the generational demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years. (wikipedia)

1. They only care about impressing people online
We like to take selfies for the gram and take snapchat videos. Evidence shows we are not more narcissistic, we just have more platforms to showcase it.

2. They have poor communication skills
Just because we use emojis and abbreviations doesn't make our dialogue mediocre.

3. Life Is Easier For Them Than The Past Generation
I can tell you from experience that this isn't true. For sure the we have more advanced technology, we have Google to answer most of our questions but that isn't going to put food on our table if we don't get to work, and finding work is just so difficult.

4. They Are Overly Sensitive
At least we use our sensitivity for good, if being sensitive will make our voice heard and make great changes in the happenings around us then i say YAYY.

5. They Are Entitled
I wouldn't call it entitled, i would rather say empowered. There is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting promotions and purpose-driven work and we should not be afraid to ask for it.

6. They Are Obsessed With Technology
If technology can help treat many sick people and save lives, then yes we are obsessed
If it can enhance communication, then yes we are obsessed
If it can make exchanges faster, especially with the use of internet, then yes we are obsessed
If it can increase the productivity of every industry in the world, then we are gladly obsessed with it.

7. They Have Everything Handed To Them
No we do not have everything handed to us, if we did, we have no reason to go job hunting or fight for our rights.

8. They'll Never Use College Degree
Statistics show that American students owe 1.48 trillion in student loan debt. With this huge amount of debt, I am pretty sure that college degree would be used. Moreover many factors makes using the college degree impossible
# Difficulty in getting a good job
# Horrible bosses and many more.

9. They Are Money Hungry
Like who isn't money hungry, even the richest person in the world is money hungry #amiright#. We are seen as people that demand promotions and increase in salaries. For fact, company culture and a sense of purpose are what we really value.

10. They Are Lazy
A consulting firm CEB, polls 90,000 American employees each quater. It discovered that the millenials among them are in fact the most competitive: 59% of them, in the latest poll, said competition is what gets them up in the morning.


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