One beautiful thing about our childhood is that it would always be remembered for some of the darnedest things we did albeit innocently; so here are some of those things;

We ate sand : O boy! sometimes when i think about it i find it hard to know exactly what attracts a child to sand, that would make them eat it. I know we all did this and even the generation to come will do it.

We wore our parents clothes : Haha this is especially related to the females, we love to wear our moms dresses, put on her make-up, her shoes etc. My mom would yell at me, spank me and even hide some of her stuffs but still i always found a way of getting them until she finally gave up.

We cooked grass : To be honest that was pretty cool though right *wink*, i think among all the crazy things we did this was the funnest because even our parents found it funny and exciting and maybe also a way to get us out of the kitchen. (or maybe this is just me thinking out loud).

Running around the streets in just underwear : Yeah Yeah we all did this right? *looks away* well it was fun while it lasted, i am proud to say that i was one of those who did it, and my childhood would have been incomplete and less fun without it so yayy me. (calm down girrl lol).

Swearing : Well i didn't do much of this but someone i know or some of you did and that probably didn't end well due to your mother's spanking i guess lol.

Thank you so much for stopping by and if there is/are any i didn't include feel free to share in the comment section below. Peace, love and cupcakes *wink*


  1. Ah yes, the sand. The delicious treat of every childhood

  2. This list is so correct! This just brings back memories

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