

  Where are my day dreamers in the house. One thing to know about me is that I have a Phd in daydreaming, I can show you my certificate for confirmation lol. If I had a cent for each time I go to fantasyland, I'll be a be a trillionaire by now #notexerggerating. As an honorary and legitimate piscean, it is in my blood to do this. I can't imagine a fantasy-less(is that a word πŸ˜•) life. For those that are not sure daydreaming is having a series of pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing or something you would like to achieve in the future( I am sure we all do this or have done this at so many points in our lives. I constantly fantasize about what my future is going to look or be like; you know like my dream house (a castle btw), my luxurious cars, my numerous endorsement deals, my scientific discovery, my pulitzer prize or nobel peace prize, my flawless skin, big booty, flat belly, voluminous hair, numerous charity work,

What's Wrong With WOMEN & the SILHOUETTE CHALLENGE!!!!


Abortion Ban In Poland: WHY???



Image   The United States Capitol Complex is a group of about one dozen buildings and facilities in Washington, D.C., that are used by the U.S. Federal government. On Wednesday, the 6th of January 2021, pro Trump supporters stormed the U.S Capitol building to protest the certification of Joe Biden's victory by the congress. A lockdown was ordered by the police citing threats to security as thousands of protesters stormed the building, some harmed. Tear gas was used to stop some of the protesters as they tried to break down the door to one of the house chambers. It was reported that 13 people and 5 weapons have been recovered so far by the police. The election certification is a routine and ceremonial function performed usually and it is the final step after the Electoral College officially elected Biden on December 14, but the certification was challenged by a few GOP members of Congress. As huge number of people gathered at the Capitol building and clashed with police, Presi


Francisco Gonzalez for Unsplash     Desperation is a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behaviour. Desperation is commonly and usually associated with a negative feeling but after having gone through many life experiences, I can establish that, that school of thought is not totally accurate. If handled properly, desperation can be used to your advantage and if mishandled, well you know the gistπŸ’. Here are some of the things I learned or acquired whilst being desperate. I'll start with the good stuffsπŸ˜‰ Diana Simumpande for Unsplash 1. Being Desperate Brought Me Closer To God: It reminded me to pray, to be anxious for nothing and cast all my worries on him. It stirred a spiritual fire in me. 2. It Helped Me To Seek For Help: Most of the time we are too afraid or nervous or shy to share our problems with others, we would rather almost die in silence but in desperate times, we remember we have a voice and we use it. 3. Being Desperate Pushes Me To Work


  1. Travelling and Visiting family Like so many others, I am really looking forward to this.   If all goes well with the Vaccine, we should be able to mingle freely.  2. Worldwide Circulation of Covid-19 Immunization Thanks to Pfizer and BioNTech for the creation of the vaccine, we are looking forward to it reaching everyone. Since it was released to the public last month, there has been no death recorded from the use of the vaccine, so, I believe to some extent it is effective. While it is not a cure for the virus, it is a great way of sustenance. 3. JoeKamala Inauguration The moment majority of the world has been looking forward to is fast approaching.  The event is slated for 20th of January 2021 at the West Front of Capitol t he theme for the inauguration is "Our Determined Democracy:Forging a More Perfect Union."  The inaugural ceremony will be 80% virtual. 4. 6G We have heard of 3G, 4G, 5G, apparently 6G is now in the works.   They are described as different generation


  I made this short clip, to wish you all a very merry but socially distanced Christmas lol. This year has really shown us that the true meaning of togetherness and unity. Many cannot spend the holidays with their families and it sucks but in everything situation we find ourselves, we have to to be  thankful and count our blessings. I hope we try to make the best of this Christmas and think within ourselves or reflect and find something to be merry about about. So from the bottom of my heart I wish you a merry merry Christmas ⛄πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸΎ and lot of love πŸ’˜πŸ’•πŸ’•. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel after watching the clip. More contents coming πŸ”œ.