

  I made this short clip, to wish you all a very merry but socially distanced Christmas lol. This year has really shown us that the true meaning of togetherness and unity. Many cannot spend the holidays with their families and it sucks but in everything situation we find ourselves, we have to to be  thankful and count our blessings. I hope we try to make the best of this Christmas and think within ourselves or reflect and find something to be merry about about. So from the bottom of my heart I wish you a merry merry Christmas ⛄πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸΎ and lot of love πŸ’˜πŸ’•πŸ’•. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel after watching the clip. More contents coming πŸ”œ.


        Nice can be defined as the attitude of being pleasant and polite to people. Many of us are taught from a very young age to be nice and kind to everyone we meet because one good turn deserves another... Christianity even further advices that when people do you wrong, you turn the other cheek, which means you be the bigger person.       Whilst this teaching is very good and useful, it doesn't apply to everybody and that's the part that most parents, guardians, caregivers and tutors omit. Majority end up learning this on their own, some at a very high damaging expense. The truth is life happens, people are raised and taught differently so you can't go through life thinking that everyone will return the favour. I also want to point out that being too nice is not wrong but whilst being nice, you should learn to be vigilant and alert, so you don't lose yourself in the process. Being too nice is good but it has it Pros and Cons. PROS • You make...


  1. LIGHT BEER LOWERS THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE  Several studies have been conducted and it has been reported that light beer and moderate alcohol intake can lead to lower risk of heart diseases. A large review stated that low to moderate beer intake up to one drink per day in women, up to two for men could lower heart disease risk to a similar extent as wine. 2. BEER HAS PLENTY OF VITAMIN B It turns out unfiltered beer or lightly filtered beer is quite nourishing despite quelling statements from anti-beer groups. Beer contains a high amount of folic acid and vitamin B, which is believed to help prevent heart attack. Beer also contains dissolvable fibre, which is great for keeping you active and reduces any chance of your system absorbing junk like fat. Beer also possess significant levels of magnesium and potassium. 3. BEER FIGHTS CANCER The most amazing beer and health connection is something called xanthohumol, a flavonoid found only in hops. Xanthohumol is a potent a...


Daniel Schludi for Unsplash What Is In The Vaccine? The active ingredient is messenger RNA that carries instructions for making the virus’s spike protein, which it uses to gain entry to cells. The mRNA is synthetic, not extracted from actual viruses. It is delivered in a tiny sphere of inert fatty material called a lipid nanoparticle. The RNA-bearing nanoparticles are suspended in saline solution and injected into muscle tissue in the upper arm. The mRNA is then taken up by specialist immune cells, which follow its instructions to make the spike protein, just as they would do if they had become infected with the actual virus.

International Day For The Abolition Of SLavery: All You Need To Know.

This day was initiated by the United Nations General Assembly on 2nd December 1949. The main focus of this day is eliminate present-day forms of enslavement such as sexual exploitation, human trafficking, child labour, forced/early marriage and the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict. Enslavement has evolved in different ways throughout history. Today some traditional forms of enslavement persevere in their earlier fashion while others have been modified into new ones. Most occurence of slavery are the result of aged long discrimination against vulnerable people in the society, such as people of tribal minorities, indigenous people and people of low class. Major Forms Of Modern Slavery Forced Labour- Migrant workers are mostly at the receiving end of this, they are usually sweet-talked or coerced into accepting the offers for economic exploitation in all parts of the world, some are later forced into prostitution, domestic help, construction work, food and clothin...

What Are You Thankful For This Year: Reflecting on how this year has been.



What is Open-Mindedness The quality of being willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own ( Another term for open-mindedness is intellectual humility. There have been studies as to why some people cling to some old beliefs when new evidences suggests that those beliefs are inaccurate and why some people immediately abandon their old beliefs and practice new ones.  Intellectual humility , is the morality that sits between those two excesses; it’s the inclination to change, plus the wisdom to know when you shouldn’t (   Benefits of being Open-minded. 1. Ability To Be Vulnerable- This can either be thrilling or terrifying or both. Keeping an open mind means you are admitting that you do not have answers to everything and you haven't considered all possibilities. 2. Encounter Changes- Open-mindedness gives you the opportunity to think differently about how you view the world. You might not necessarily change you...