Where are my day dreamers in the house. One thing to know about me is that I have a Phd in daydreaming, I can show you my certificate for confirmation lol. If I had a cent for each time I go to fantasyland, I'll be a be a trillionaire by now #notexerggerating. As an honorary and legitimate piscean, it is in my blood to do this. I can't imagine a fantasy-less(is that a word ๐Ÿ˜•) life.


For those that are not sure daydreaming is having a series of pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing or something you would like to achieve in the future(dictionary.cambridge.org). I am sure we all do this or have done this at so many points in our lives. I constantly fantasize about what my future is going to look or be like; you know like my dream house (a castle btw), my luxurious cars, my numerous endorsement deals, my scientific discovery, my pulitzer prize or nobel peace prize, my flawless skin, big booty, flat belly, voluminous hair, numerous charity work, going to heaven(paradise๐Ÿ˜‰) and so on. 

When I have nothing doing, I spend all my time doing this, if only fantasizing could pay the bills ๐Ÿ˜†. Sometimes I stop to think to myself that this could be harmful to my mental health but after doing my research, I discovered that it is not so bad but doing it at the wrong time and too much might be bad. Nevertheless, daydreaming has some fantastic benefits. I compiled some of them for your pleasure enjoy;


1. Daydreaming Boosts Your Focus

Lets take for instance, if your goal is to be an actress or someone in the entertainment industry, you can occasionally daydream about your Oscar acceptance speech, red carpet poses, autograph signings, fans meet and greet, standing ovation from the audience after a great stage performance. This helps to not lose focus on your goal because your daydream would serve as a constant reminder for you to work towards it.


2. Daydreaming Inspires Creativity

I can attest to this, when I'm having a writer's block or finding difficult to come up with unique or new ideas, I go to my fantasyland. It is my special land where new ideas are manufactured. To be honest it sometimes gets crazy up there, especially when I go in too deep but I always try to find my way back and produce the result of my fantasy.

The New York Times

3. Daydreaming  Relieves Stress

Ahh yes, it really does my friends. Daydreaming helps me when I am mentally exhausted, I just picture myself getting a massage with lavender oils, with 'Boys 2 Men' "End of the Road" playing in the background whilst I sip on a chilled glass of strawberry baileys or bubbly champagne. After the massage, I put on a skimpy flowery dress and ride my purple bicycle around my well decorated castle *whew* I think I zoned out there for a while lol. But yeah doing this relieves the hell outta me.

tenor gif

4. Daydreaming Helps To Manage Discord

We have all been in some awkward or tension filled situation and for a while it goes on and on and on and doesn't seem to be going away. It could be a fight within our families or at our jobs. I have learned that zoning off to fantasyland for some inspiration might actually produce a solution. You just picture the situation going in a different way, whilst doing this you might actually get an inspiration to end the tension. I feel like there's a lot of rhymes in the paragraph #amiright.


5. Daydreaming Can Help Sustain The Spark In Relationships

If you are a product of long distance relationship like myself, you would be so thankful for the gift of daydreaming. The last time I touched any member of my family was 2015 ๐Ÿ˜”, though we chat and do video calls from time to time, it's totally not the same as being with them. So what I do is start my engine and zoom off to my fav land of course, I think of the laughs, the sarcasms, the pranks, the anger and fights, the reconciliation etc. It sometimes makes me cry but when that happens I imagine them being with me and doing crazy stuffs like they always do lol. This certainly keeps the spark alive.


Soo with these few points of mine, I hope I didn't bore you--- I'm pretty sure I didn't, I am so much fun๐Ÿ˜†. My questions to you my beautiful readers are;

Do you daydream?

How often do you do it?

Do you benefit from it?

Has it caused you any harm?

Please kindly answer in the comment section, I'll love to hear from you.

Peace, love & champagne. ๐Ÿ’˜


  1. Well said. I daydream every seconds it's my best to be place
    My safe haven, where I can be just anything and anyone
    Especially when I watch a movie and I love a character, I will replace their body with mine and keep creating different scenarios
    It hasn't cause me any harm, just that I do it in excess alone on my room before I snap out of it and face reality and get into action instead of fantasizing
    I think daydreaming makes me see ahead of who I want to be, career, marriage, kids. Girl if you get in my head it's really crazy that's the gift God gave humanity. IMAGINATION

    1. I am you and you are me ☺️๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

  2. Daydreaming is one of my favorite escape from reality. Great to know it has it's own benefits


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