If you are going through a tough time this is for you.

1. Don't Worry Be Happy
Just like the great Bob Marley sang "don't worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright". You see over the years of my existence I have come to realize that worrying won't solve a problem, it only increases it and makes your health deteriorate. I used to be the queen of worrying because i get anxious and scared about everything but eventually things fall into place so anytime I get that troubling feeling I just smile and say to myself "all is well".

2. Spend Time With People
You cannot be an Island, you need people around you, you need to communicate, interact, mingle, there might be other people in your situation or there might be people with solutions to your problems. Plus being with people helps increase your happiness metabolism, you laugh, maybe cry, hear new stories and just have a whole new feeling.

3. Exercise
Exercise has a powerful effect on our happiness and well-being and it has proven to be effective in reducing sadness. Exercise can help you relax, improve your brain power and release proteins and endorphins to make you happier so hit that gym today or just stay home and move that body.

4. Get Out
Go for a long walk, go to the beach, go shopping, go to the woods, do some volunteer work, go see a movie, go fix your hair and nails, eat out, plan a trip, meet new people, new culture, experience life and all its beauty.

5. Sleep More
Sleep is important for happiness, it helps our body recover and repair itself and it helps us focus and be more productive. So drop all that garment of worry or sadness, take a nice bath or shower and sleep peacefully.
PS: A verse from the Bible says "Don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will take care of itself".
Also remember, once there's life, there's hope, so take good care of this life that you have and good things will follow.😉


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