Sometimes us girls see the signs, but they are not very clear to us and we begin to wonder and think differently but today i will be breaking them down. Here they are *wink*.
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1. He Makes Eye Contact - When you see that "brother" checking you out or catch him trying to steal a glance at you, well i think he is trying to communicate by eyes and i think you know what he is trying to say *wink*

2. He's Nervous Around You - When a guy is shy to talk to you or always want to impress you but politely then you know he is trying to tell you something. The key here is to carefully observe.

3. He Treats You Different From Others - If a guy acts nicer, more generous to you than others, then it's a sign. If he doesn't allow you return something you borrowed from him but you know he won't do that to other people, it's a sign.

4. He Chats/ Calls Often - When you receive a lot of phone calls or text messages from a guy more often than usual, asking you how you are doing, what you are up too etc and even calling when he has nothing important to tell you. It is a clear sign that he digs you.

5. He Remembers Every Detail About You - Gurrl need i say more? i mean us girls love to talk a lot especially with a guy we are comfortable with but when he remembers each and every detail of your life or a particular discussion you had, i gotta say that you hit the jackpot #goodforyougirrl#.

6. He Compliments You - As girls we have bad hair day, bad face day etc or sometimes we just look really good with hair, dress, makeup, nails on fleek. But when a guy deems it fit to to remind us of how beautiful we are through it all, it's the best feeling everr.

7. He Makes Sacrifices For You - If he forsakes all important commitment just to make time for you, he likes you. If he gives you his jacket when it's cold outside, he likes you. If your shoe gets broken and he takes off his for you to wear them, honey he likes you.

8. He Always Wants To Be Around You - He misses you when you are not there, his heart yearns for you, he can't stop thinking about you. Hmm.....


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