High school is one of those places where you meet different caliber of people, but today i will be fixating on the TEACHERS *wink*. Please continue reading below and tell me what kinds you had in your high school.

1. The Boring Ones: These kinds of teachers always make you wonder why school was invented in the first place? As much as you try to pay attention for the duration of that class they just find a way to bore you out and instead of concentrating on the subject all you are able to think about is food or eventually you just fall asleep during the lecture.

2. The Grumpy Ones: There are little too many words to describe these ones like bad-tempered, irritable, petty amongst others. they make high school uncomfortable for you, they yell at you, they flog you, punish you, embarrass you in front of the class, they transfer aggression on you, they threaten to fail you and many more. All these are very unfair because school is supposed to be fun, i'm glad i have gone past that phase *whew*.

3. The Know-It-Alls: My oh My, these ones believe they are always right, even when they are obviously wrong, never try to correct them or you will just end up getting in trouble because they feel they are wiser, plus your opinion doesn't matter so it's either their way or highway.

4. The Cool Ones: Yeah we all have/had these kinds in high school, they are not necessarily funny, but you always look forward to having them in class, they are fashionable, they listen to your suggestions, they understand your mood, they hardly give you homework, even when they do it's not so much.

5. The Fun Ones: Oh how we love these teachers, they make school worthwhile, their teachings are top notch, they are not necessarily fashionable, they give easy tests, they are free spirited, they are funny, they accept they are wrong( if that ever happens), they love their students, they love their job, they are always missed when absent, they check up on their students, all in all they are wonderful.

6. The Hot/Not So Smart Ones: Okay these ones always dress to kill, hair and makeup on-fleek, suit and tie on point, they always try to get attention from colleagues or from their students but they are not so sound, it's like they're in for the money but the students love them(don't ask me why lol).

I hope i didn't bore you, thanks for stopping by and if you have more suggestions feel free to write them down in the comment section below. XOXO.


  1. Great examples but actually I've never met with the "hot" type of teacher. These are the ones you hear stories about and wonder when they were while you were a student


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